Reading Marx group launching

Posted: December 17, 2010 in Uncategorized

The Reading Marx group has been meeting regularly on the Concordia campus for nearly two years now. The group currently consists of urban planning, geography, political science and English literature students and a revolving door of faculty, activists and students. Early readings were based around geographer David Harvey`s online lectures of Capital. The group recently completed a reading of Harvey`s Limits to Capital, will begin meeting again on a weekly basis early this January, 2011. Here is what`s on tap:

– Communist Manifesto (January, week one).
– The eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte (week two, three).
– Grundrisse: Foundations of the critique of political economy.

Hope you can join us! You will have to acquire copies of these texts on your own. Resources are also available on our Wikispace. For information, or to join the group, contact Matthew Brett:

The Reading Group Project

Posted: December 16, 2010 in Uncategorized

The Reading Group Project is calling on organizations and individuals to start reading groups based on their own particular interests. One group is currently reading the works of Karl Marx, while another group will likely begin reading about radical law in the new year. The Reading Group Project aims to network these groups across Montreal, engaging in active outreach to the wider community and social justice network. Reading groups can be based around a theme (ex. anti-imperialism), specific texts, a group of texts, an author, or any number of other approaches. People and organizations interested in starting a reading group are encouraged to contact Matthew Brett. The goal is to launch several reading groups in January. Matthew can be reached at:

Night-Vision group launching

Posted: December 16, 2010 in Uncategorized

Night-Vision study group
In the same vein as J. Sakai’s “Settlers: the Myth of the White Proletariat,” “Night-Vision: Illuminating War & Class On The Neo-Colonial Terrain” examines theĀ  class/gender/race system called white supremacy and heteropatriarchy from an historical perspective. Unlike many of the academic books out there, Night-Vision makes complex ideas easier to understand.

How could Europe afford to invade the Americas, also called Turtle Island? Why has the U.S. become the heart of empire? Come participate to find out! Local publisher Kersplebedeb has kindly donated eight copies of this book to the Skillshare. Space is limited, therefore, this time around.
If you are available every Monday night in January, from 7-9pm, please RSVP and let us know you’ll be attending.